Thursday, October 22, 2015

Square Cat

This week I am working on creating a math lesson plan to teach in my kindergarten practicum classroom. I've been researching books online to center my lesson around and I have discovered a wonderful new book! The book is titled Square Cat and it is written by Elizabeth Schoomaker. This is such a cute book with lots of fun activities to incorporate. I am going to share with you a blog that I found with tons of super cute things to do after reading this book. Here is the link:

Monday, October 12, 2015

Fish in a Tree

As I mentioned last week, my class is participating in The Global Read Aloud. The book my class chose to read for this is called Fish in a Tree By: Lynda Mullaly Hunt. I started this book and haven't been able to put it down. I have been in tears the whole time I have been reading it. I strongly urge every single teacher out there to read this book. It's a heart wrenching story about a girl who struggles with dyslexia but none of her teachers have realized this. It gives in sight into why some students may be acting up in class. It really shows us how to handle these children and make a difference in their lives and in their learning.

Friday, October 9, 2015

Global Read Aloud

This week my library service class kicked off our global read aloud! Before this class, I had never heard of a global read aloud. But after learning about this project, I am super excited!

Here's what it is ------>>>> Global read aloud is kind of like a book club except you meet with students all around the world. You "make a connection" with a class somewhere in the world and then you read the same book and discuss it with each other. You can Skype or just have a blog post with the class if Skype isn't an option.

I think this will be a great experience and definitely something I will look into doing in my future classroom.

For more information, check out the Global Read Aloud website: