Monday, September 14, 2015

"Me" Bag

I am taking Kindergarten Practicum this semester and this morning I went to my placement classroom for the first time ever! Exciting huh!?  - For those of you who don't know, kindergarten practicum is like a warm up for student teaching. I will be doing some teaching and some observing in the same classroom until December.

Usually, I feel a little in the way at first going into someone else's classroom. I just always feel like a distraction for the children - they immediately want to know who I am, what i'm doing in their classroom, and the questions go on and on. But today I did something with the class that made me feel SO much better and much more comfortable in the classroom.

This activity is called a "Me Bag" and is usually done by teacher on the first day of school. A "Me Bag" is just any little bag you have and you fill it with things that represent who you are and things that you like. You present it to the children to help them get to know you and feel comfortable with you.

Here is what my "Me Bag" consisted of and how I presented it to the children:

Tennis Shoes – I love to play outside and be active. I have so much fun playing games outside like red rover and tag! I think recess is my very favorite time at school. Do you like recess? What's your favorite game to play outside? 

Panda Bear – I am in a really cool club at school. When I came to a big new school away from home and my family, this club helped me to make friends. We like to use panda bears to show people that we are in the same club together. How did you make friends at school? 

Pizza – Pizza is my FAVORITE food. I love all kinds of pizza – but pepperoni is my very favorite! If I could, I would eat it everyday!! What kind of pizza do you like to eat? 

Pete the Cat Book – Reading is one of my favorite things. I love to read all kinds of stories…  But my very favorite books are Pete the Cat Books. I love Pete the Cat and all the adventures he goes on. Have you ever read a book with Pete the Cat? What is your favorite Pete the Cat book?

Pictures of my family –

Here is a picture of my puppy dog – her name is Tilly. She sleeps with my every night… she even gets under the covers and lays on a pillow.. That’s silly, huh? She also loves to run around outside and play with her toys. Do you have a pet? What's your pets name?

Here is a picture of my momma and daddy and me – I am an only child.. and that means I have no brothers and sisters so it's just us.. and Tilly!! The picture of us was taken on vacation this summer at the beach. Where did your family go on vacation this summer? Is anyone else in here an only child?

The children were very interested the whole time I was presenting. They LOVED the pictures. Every child wanted to make sure they got a turn to look at my dog and my family. They asked questions and waned to know more things about me. They also really enjoyed sharing things about themselves with me when I asked, too.

It was nice to be in front of the children and let them become more comfortable with me in a relaxed presentation before having to teach them a lesson.  I think this activity made everyone in the classroom feel more comfortable, including myself. I plan to continue this activity in my classroom one day! 

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